Reflections On What I Believe

My Doctrinal Statement

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

One of the things I have always wanted to do was to write a definitive doctrinal statement for myself. Of course, the real challenge in doing so is not to get so deep into the weeds you wind up writing a book, or to get so high up that you omit necessary and important doctrines. I have read a lot of doctrinal statements by Bible believing churches and pastors that could be signed by members of many cults - the statements are just not definitive enough. An additional challenge in writing a doctrinal statement is to explain what you mean by what you say. 

So what I have decided to do is to keep the doctrinal statement somewhat short and to the point. It does not contain all the Scriptural references that could be listed, and in some cases it raises many questions regarding the finer points of what I really believe. Since there is a need to explain myself in many cases, it is here, in this blog, that I will fill out my doctrinal statement and reveal exactly what I mean when I say, “I Believe”.