Bibliology - Part 3

Bibliology - Part 3

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

We now come to the final three points in my view of the Scriptures. Let’s look at the first statement regarding the authority of Scripture:

I believe the Bible is authoritative and as such is binding on all mankind. It alone is the source of all Spiritual truth and it alone gives us the only way back to a relationship with God.

Since the Bible is God’s word, and it is inerrant and complete, of necessity it follows that it is authoritative. Many would like to say that the Bible is good for some men, but not all men. It is only one way of truth, and only one of many paths back to God. The Bible allows no such thinking. Jesus, in John 14:6, says that He alone is the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through him. 

Unfortunately this viewpoint on the authority of Scripture is on the decline today. Many voices, some even within evangelical circles, say that the way of the cross as believed by the church through the centuries is just too narrow. “God has a wider mercy”, some say, and others even claim that any person who sincerely seeks the truth will get to heaven, regardless of whether they believe on Jesus Christ or even know who He is.

However, the Scriptures clearly tell us that there is one Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5), and only one name given under heaven whereby we can be saved (Acts 4:12). Christ states very specifically in John 10:7-10 that He is the door of the sheepfold and only those who come by way of the Door will be saved (John 10:9).

This is what if so irritating to the world - the exclusivity of the Bible. It alone claims to be God’s revelation to man and it allows for no other contenders. Psalm 119:89 says “For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven” and in 1 Peter 1:24-25 we read that the grass withers, and the flower fades, but God’s word stands forever! Christ, in the Sermon on the Mount, said not one jot or tittle will pass from the law till all is fulfilled (Matthew 5:18). And finally in Psalm 138:2 it states that God has established His word above His name. In other words, the veracity and authority of Scripture is backed by God’s nature and character, all that He is, and as such it is eternally and temporally binding on all mankind.

One of the sad commentaries on modern Christianity, or so-called Christianity, is that it likes to merge the Bible with other forms of truth, like psychology, sociology, modern business techniques, earth sciences, and the list could go on. It is important to note that whenever the BIble is merged with these “sciences” the Bible always loses out. When we mix the Bible with the current scientific views on the origins of the universe we get theistic evolution or some sort of day-age theory, or worse yet we just relegate Geneses 1-11 to the mythological scrap heap. When we mix the Bible and Psychology we get a plethora of different views on why men behave as they do, almost all denying basic Bible truths about sin, guilt, repentance, and forgiveness. Time and time again I have heard Scripture passages twisted, mashed, and bent to fit some novel psychological trend or some one of the new pop psychological systems that come and go.

We do not need to reconcile the Bible to modern science and thinking. We need to reconcile modern science and thinking to the Bible - the only infallible source of truth we have in our possession. When the Bible speaks, it is correct, regardless of what other evidence we may have to make it say something else. God alone is true, and His word is the only real truth we have in this world.